Friday, May 18, 2012

Turning into an old turtle

After living for the past 30 years, without my conscious knowing, my body has turned into a wrong alignment. My postures, when walking, standing, eating, watching tv, hands on my notebook....all has become a critical issue which now I just realized that I need to correct them...and the process is hard and uncomfortable.
The problem back has always been used to the most comfortable and lazy way of sitting by leaning on the sofa or anything that I can rest my back. Somehow I found sitting on a lazy way is more comfortable as compare to sitting up straight like a curvy has always been the favorite choice...until I was recently being told by a doctor that if I continue to sit like that, I'll become a hunchback man when I getting close to 40 year old. That was shocking as I always noticed the old woman living next to my house who walks with the head facing down and I couldn't imagine myself turning into someone like her in my later year. So I need to change now!
There are many symptoms for someone like me who has being sitting in the wrong position for decades. Shoulders slightly pointing forward, neck and head pointing forward, back you can see the whole picture of a turtle.
In my new changes, I will make sure my backbone is straight whenever I sit, the chest will be slightly forwarded, and the two torso arms slightly back warded, neck straight the head the beginning of the changes, backbone felt aching as time past 10 minutes and the urge to lean back hunching is very addictive.
Must bear the pain and gradually will withstand longer, more relax and without noticing the uneasy feeling on the back body. The best way to beat this bad habit that I discovered is that...whenever you feel like hunching, visualize a turtle walking with your head on it then you'll stop immediately. It works for me so I do hope it'll works for you. Advice: Seek your doctor or any medical specialist and ask for remedy if you are one of the old turtle wannabes like me...there's always a way to change for better and healthier. Act now before too the old saying...whenever there's a will there's a way...

Friday, June 19, 2009

How I Discovered The “Magic Formula

As a kid I was always told that the best way to get somewhere in life is to follow people who have already been there.

So in short...Success leaves clues.

So I went around like a crazy maniac...Trying to figure out how to get her back.

I understood that the only way I will ever come to know how to solve this puzzle would be to get in touch with people who have already solved it. So I began my desperate search for people who reunited after a breakup...And to my pleasant surprise, there are thousands of such people out there.

I spoke to hundreds of people, Spent enormous amount of time with them to really get inside their minds to find out how they did it.

There wasn't a question I didn't ask...

There were times when people got so damn annoyed that they walked out on me...

I don't really blame them for not wanting to answer my questions....

The more people I spoke to...The more I noticed that they all followed the same formula...And that's the time when I had the real "aha" moment...The real "Light bulb" moment I had been desperately waiting for.

I felt disgustingly stupid over the fact that I had NOT SEEN what was going on… it was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. It REALLY blew my mind…

I had finally discovered the key to the lock....

It felt like I had discovered a secret no one ever saw...

And boy did it work...Trust me! This information is not Important....It's absolutely critical, Must-have, fastest and surest way for anyone who wants to get his/her ex back....Stop a breakup or divorce.

Are you skeptical?

Well If I was in your shoes...I would be too. Don't worry...I’ll show you guaranteed proof.

Just keep here

I have a Fail Proof

No matter how ugly your situation might be you can still get your ex back...Now I can almost see you sitting there saying- That's impossible...

Well I don't blame you...

When I was dealing with the breakup I had the same mindset....I could not see any possible way to get her back.....It was a hard pill to swallow but I thought it was the end of the road for me.

It actually made me uncomfortable...In fact I was driven absolutely crazy by the very fact that I might never see her again.

I couldn’t connect the idea of me having to face rejection like this...And worse without even knowing what really went wrong.

I understood that I could fill oceans with my tears but this situation wouldn’t resolve by itself...I had to take some ACTION...And that too fast.

You too...take action NOW!

A concept you must understand

You might be a guy or a girl...I don't really care. Your situation might be bad, worse or utterly scary...Trust me! It doesn't matter.

All I know is simply this- If thousands of people out there reunited with their ex even when the situation seemed hopeless what makes you think that you can't?

But the issue is that these people got together by pure luck or accident. They didn't really know how they did it.

Now picture this-

What if you could be shown a secret formula...A magical trick that would make your ex crawl back to you?

Look...What I am about to share is real world, field-tested mantra which can't fail. This kind of real world secrets would not fall into your lap every day.

Grab hold of this opportunity before it's too late.

Click here to grab the opportunity

Are you going through an emotional roller coaster?

I have some good news for you...

Do you know that you can get your ex back even if the situation seems completely hopeless? May it be simple loss of interest, A no reason breakup or even situations as bad as "CHEATING"...Yes! You can still get your ex back even after you have gone through all this.

Here is the Reality-

Now let me give you a reality check...Have you ever seen couples get together after a breakup?

I am damn sure you must have!

Now let me ask you this...Have you ever seen couples reuniting even when one of the partners cheated and even worse...”GOT ABUSED".

Okay...Now you might be thinking I must be a freaking psycho or something!

Well...Not exactly! Hear me out here...

How can people let their ex back into their life...Even when there was abuse involved?

The fact is....

People patch up even when there is cheating or abuse involved in the relationship...Now I am not saying that's right or trying to justify abuse...All I am really saying is that no situation is impossible.

There is hope in all cases.

Click here for hopes

Are you heartbroken? (part 2)

I know how hard it gets to get out of bed in the morning with a dark cloud of emotions hitting you from all ends...Trying to avoid everything which reminds you of your ex yet nothing seems to work.

And the most deadliest are the "WHAT IF'S" -

What if I never get to see her again?.....What if she has already moved on? What if she is dating someone else?

And the most heart wrecking of them all...

Is she sleeping with someone else?

And before you know it, you find yourself stuck in a deadly zone of desperation looking for ways to deal with the pain. Continue...

Are you heartbroken?

I'd like to tell you a story...

A story you might strangely relate to...Don’t be surprised.

Once upon a time there was a guy...A guy named Ryan. He fell madly in love with this particular girl....A girl he considered to be just perfect.....The one he could spend the rest of his life with....And fortunately enough the girl felt the same way towards him as well.

Things seemed to be going great between the two for the first few months just like any other normal relationship but then something just didn't seem right.....Oddly enough Ryan knew something was wrong yet didn't know what.

His girlfriend stopped spending time with him, started giving dry responses to questions and stopped being physically intimate with him. And then the unthinkable happened.

One day on the phone she goes:

Ryan! We need to talk...

Ryan was alarmed...His heart rate tripled...He could sense what was coming but didn't want to face it.

Then she goes- Things just aren't the same anymore...I guess we need to give each other some space.

She spoke in a soft tone but these words hit Ryan like an Atom Bomb.

He didn't know how to take it...Or more so what to make of it.

He didn't really understand what she meant by giving each other some space...And before he could ask her more questions she made an excuse about being very busy...said I have to rush and hung up!

Ryan desperately tried to contact her after that but his calls were never answered.

Poor Ryan did not have the love of his life anymore...Now he had a bag of heavy emotions to deal with and not the least of all a hurt self-esteem.

And this is where the famous THE END comes in!

Nice story huh?

Do you find this story familiar?

Probably something that happened with you recently?

Don't know about you but I sure do find this story familiar...

You know why? Click here to find out why...