Friday, June 19, 2009

Are you heartbroken?

I'd like to tell you a story...

A story you might strangely relate to...Don’t be surprised.

Once upon a time there was a guy...A guy named Ryan. He fell madly in love with this particular girl....A girl he considered to be just perfect.....The one he could spend the rest of his life with....And fortunately enough the girl felt the same way towards him as well.

Things seemed to be going great between the two for the first few months just like any other normal relationship but then something just didn't seem right.....Oddly enough Ryan knew something was wrong yet didn't know what.

His girlfriend stopped spending time with him, started giving dry responses to questions and stopped being physically intimate with him. And then the unthinkable happened.

One day on the phone she goes:

Ryan! We need to talk...

Ryan was alarmed...His heart rate tripled...He could sense what was coming but didn't want to face it.

Then she goes- Things just aren't the same anymore...I guess we need to give each other some space.

She spoke in a soft tone but these words hit Ryan like an Atom Bomb.

He didn't know how to take it...Or more so what to make of it.

He didn't really understand what she meant by giving each other some space...And before he could ask her more questions she made an excuse about being very busy...said I have to rush and hung up!

Ryan desperately tried to contact her after that but his calls were never answered.

Poor Ryan did not have the love of his life anymore...Now he had a bag of heavy emotions to deal with and not the least of all a hurt self-esteem.

And this is where the famous THE END comes in!

Nice story huh?

Do you find this story familiar?

Probably something that happened with you recently?

Don't know about you but I sure do find this story familiar...

You know why? Click here to find out why...

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