Friday, June 19, 2009

I have a Fail Proof

No matter how ugly your situation might be you can still get your ex back...Now I can almost see you sitting there saying- That's impossible...

Well I don't blame you...

When I was dealing with the breakup I had the same mindset....I could not see any possible way to get her back.....It was a hard pill to swallow but I thought it was the end of the road for me.

It actually made me uncomfortable...In fact I was driven absolutely crazy by the very fact that I might never see her again.

I couldn’t connect the idea of me having to face rejection like this...And worse without even knowing what really went wrong.

I understood that I could fill oceans with my tears but this situation wouldn’t resolve by itself...I had to take some ACTION...And that too fast.

You too...take action NOW!

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